Wajbatti Powder Explained

Wajbatti is a complete food nutrition that has a well balanced macronutrient breakdown of 32:32:30:3 ( carbohydrate, fat, protein and fibre) and 26+ essential vitamins and minerals. Wajbatti is also a rich source of plant-based omega 3 fatty acids (ALA and DHA), low in GI, and high in protein and fiber. Furthermore, it is free of: lactose or any animal products, soy, and GMO.

Wajbatti complies with the following standards: USDA's Dietary Recommendations, Daily Value (DV) standards, and the EU guidelines for all macro- and micronutrients (2)

To learn more about Wajbatti Powder, keep reading. 

Wajbatti Powder is 32:32:30:3  Macro split 

The main macronutrients from which humans derive energy from in their diet are carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fibres. We've placed them in Wajbatti powder at a ratio of 32:32:30:3 . Where 32% of the energy provided comes from Carbs, 32% from fats, 30% from proteins and 3% from fibres.  

The most fundamental components of proteins are amino acids. Any diet requires a large amount of protein since several amino acids are necessary and others are essential for the health. 

Fats In Wajbatti: Flaxseed, Algae powder and coconut 

Certain fatty acids are important for for leading a healthy life, thus it's important to include healthy sources of essential fatty acids in your diet.

Certain fatty acids are termed as "essential" because the body requires them but is unable to produce them on its own, therefore they must be obtained from the diet.

Fats are more energy-dense than protein or carbs, so including them at 32% means there’s less powder and bulk, making Wajbatti easier to consume to meet your energy requirements. Moreover, there are some fatty acids that are required for optimal health, and Wajbatti powder is rich in the fats that provide these essential fatty acids especially with the use of a special algae oil powder ingredient in our proprietary formula containing a plant-based docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is an essential omega-3 fatty acid that needs to be supplemented through the food (mainly non-vegan sources such as fish and fish oils) or through dietary supplements.

The other two essential fats in Wajbatti powder come from are:

a) Flaxseed is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acid (73 % of total fatty acid), moderate in monounsaturated fat (18 %) and low amount of saturated fat (9 %). Its rich in both essential fatty acids—alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and linolenic acid (LA). Flaxseed possesses antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties. It also has notable benefits like lowering cholesterol levels. (3). 

b) MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) from coconut due to its overall impact on body weight through mechanisms like increased energy expenditure and increased fullness resulting in lower food intake and lower obesity rate. In summary, MCT is good source of energy and contribute to weight loss  management (4). Wajbatti powder is a complete plant-based complete meal replacement powder containing plant-based Omega -3 (ALA and DHA) and Omega -6 linoleic acid (LA). 

How might omega-3-fatty acids provide heart health? Multiple possibilities have been proposed and are supported by researches. These protective mechanisms include (3) : 

  • Decreasing triglycerides
  • Lowering blood pressure slightly
  • Reducing blood clotting
  • Decreasing the risk of strokes and heart failure
  • Reducing irregular heartbeats

Carbohydrate in Wajbatti Powder: Gluten-Free Fine Powdered Oats and Tapioca 

Wajbatti’s carbs are derived from Gluten-Free powdered Oats and Tapioca. Oats has many added benefits such as:

  1. Lower Glycaemic Index (GI):  Glycaemic index indicates the measure of how quickly the level of glucose / sugar in the blood rises after eating a certain type of food. Oats however is one of the lowest glycaemic index carbs, which has a higher level of beta-glucans (non-starch polysaccharides) that is helpful for diabetes control in people. (12)
  2. Rich in fiber: Oats are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber with the most being soluble. Soluble fiber also called beta-glucans (BGs) are non-starch polysaccharides and has proven research results of lowering the LDL cholesterol level and reduced cardiovascular disease risks (11). According to the FDA, 0.75g at least per serving of soluble fiber, may reduce the risk of heart disease. (10)
  3. Excellent source of protein:  Cereal nowadays are the most common breakfast at our shaped table whereas oats is underestimated and misunderstood. Oats are more superior to other cereals and are not limited to their amino acid composition like Lysine and Threonine (5). According to the WHO, oat protein is comparable in quality to the meat, eggs, and milk protein (9) 
  4. Antioxidants: Oats are rich in Antioxidants like Avenanthramides (AVAs) and Phytochemicals. 
  5. a) Avenanthramides (AVAs): Several studies indicate that AVAs might possess anti-inflammatory properties and are also involved in the process of controlling the blood pressure as they produce nitric oxide which expand the blood vessels. (13)
  6. b) Phytochemicals: Oats is a rich source of phytochemicals and provides a wide range of human health benefits like reducing risks of diabetes and obesity. (13)

Cassava is a root vegetable and that were we obatind Tapicao from. Cassava is high in resistance starch that is helpful in improving the blood glucose management and is beneficial for your gut health as well (11).

Oats are abundant in many vitamins and minerals like Manganese, Copper, Iron, Phosphor and Vitamin B1 that contribute to the health of human body. Indeed, it could keep you full and energetic for a long time. Wajbatti provides you with the best quality, energy efficient meal for your day.

Wajbatti Powder is High-protein: Pea and Brown Rice

Complete nutrition – a well balanced meal incl. high quantity of plant-based proteins containing the full chain amino acid including BCAAs. The daily value (DV) for protein is approximately 50 g per day, however this only meets our bare minimum requirements and prevents against protein deficiency [3]. The Middle Eastern diets tend to provide 20% lower protein than the typical Western diet [3] and hence Wajbatti ensure its meal to be rich in protein to balance this deficiency.  Algae powder is a natural source of all essential amino acids together with amino acid rich sources of Pea and Rice protein and Oat Power makes sure Wajbatti powder has all essential amino acids in sufficient amount.

You’ll be consuming around 30g of protein per drink  from Wajbatti Powder: this provides a good amount for optimal health as well as building and maintaining a healthy body. Furthermore, protein is more satiating (appetite suppressing) than other macronutrients (5) and we've designed Wajbatti Powder to stop unwanted hunger pangs.

Amino Acid Profile of Wajbatti Powder

Protein is made up of amino acids. There are over 500 amino acids in nature, 20 of which are known as the standard amino acids as these are the ones that are coded genetically and are subsequently involved in primary protein synthesis in animals. Of these 20, nine are essential as they cannot be synthesized from other amino acids.

All protein sources are not equal: some are classed as “complete proteins” and some are not. A complete protein is one that contains sufficient quantities of all nine essential amino acids.

Generally, proteins derived from animal foods (meats, fish, poultry, milk and eggs) and some new novel ingredients such as algae are complete. Indeed, some proteins derived from plant foods (legumes, seeds, grains, and vegetables) are often complete as well. Examples include quinoa, buckwheat and soy. Many plant foods have insufficient amounts of one or more of the essential amino acids. Some are notably low, such as corn protein, which is low in lysine and isoleucine.

The protein in Wajbatti Powder comes from six of the main ingredients: pea protein, oats, brown rice protein, flaxseed, Algae based oil powder and coconut oil MCT powder. This ensures a good range of all amino acids and that there’s sufficient amounts of the essential amino acids. Rice protein is high in the sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine, plus contains good amounts of all the others, but is very low in lysine. Pea protein is low in cysteine and methionine but high in lysine. This is why we selected these two sources, ensuring everything was covered while keeping Wajbatti Powder vegan. Plus, there’s additional protein from the MCT powder, algae based oil powder, the flaxseed, and the oats, which are reasonably high in all essential amino acids.


The fiber in Wajbatti derives from naturally supplied food ingredients and mainly from Flaxseeds and Oats. Generally speaking, dietary fiber are divided into two types: Soluble and Insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolved in water and form a gel like pectin and guar gum, whereas insoluble fiber don’t dissolve in water such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.

Dietary fiber provide important health benefits such as preventing obesity and overweight, gastrointestinal function improvement, promoting cardiovascular health and preventing diabetes (1)

  1. Flaxseeds contain insoluble and soluble dietary fiber with the later has a direct relation to health especially for the body weight management and reducing glucose blood levels (15). Not only soluble fiber may prevent certain metabolic ramifications of insulin resistance but also reduce insulin resistance. (16) Indeed, studies demonstrated insoluble fiber plays an important role in releasing the sugar in the blood and managing the blood glucose levels to some extent. (16)
  2. Flaxseeds may be useful for weight loss: The Soluble fiber in Flaxseeds has been shown to be applicable in suppressing hunger. Indeed, studies conducted in the objective of promoting weight loss in obese and overweight people. The results shown that people who added Flaxseed to their diet lost on an average 1kg against to the others (18)
  3. Digestive health: Constipation is a global public health problem and in fact, Flaxseed has been considered and used as one of the traditional medicine treatments for constipation. Not limited to be one of the richest α-linolenic acid and lignan, the soluble fiber in Flaxseed could also prevent diarrhea and ease fecal output in normal and constipation conditions.(1)

Indeed Wajbatti formula is loaded with this natural ingredient and has been designed to sustain the digestive heath system for a better lower cholesterol and healthy heart. 


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